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theory Defs imports Main begin lemma [simp]: "(\<forall>x. x \<noteq> y) = False" by blast hide_const (open) insert declare Let_def[simp] subsection "Trie" datatype trie = Leaf | Node bool "trie * trie" fun isin :: "trie \<Rightarrow> bool list \<Rightarrow> bool" where "isin Leaf ks = False" | "isin (Node b (l,r)) ks = (case ks of [] \<Rightarrow> b | k#ks \<Rightarrow> isin (if k then r else l) ks)" fun insert :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where "insert [] Leaf = Node True (Leaf,Leaf)" | "insert [] (Node b lr) = Node True lr" | "insert (k#ks) Leaf = Node False (if k then (Leaf, insert ks Leaf) else (insert ks Leaf, Leaf))" | "insert (k#ks) (Node b (l,r)) = Node b (if k then (l, insert ks r) else (insert ks l, r))" lemma isin_insert: "isin (insert as t) bs = (as = bs \<or> isin t bs)" apply(induction as t arbitrary: bs rule: insert.induct) apply (auto split: list.splits) done text \<open>A simple implementation of delete; does not shrink the trie!\<close> fun delete :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where "delete ks Leaf = Leaf" | "delete ks (Node b (l,r)) = (case ks of [] \<Rightarrow> Node False (l,r) | k#ks' \<Rightarrow> Node b (if k then (l, delete ks' r) else (delete ks' l, r)))" lemma "isin (delete as t) bs = (as \<noteq> bs \<and> isin t bs)" apply(induction as t arbitrary: bs rule: delete.induct) apply (auto split: list.splits) done fun node :: "bool \<Rightarrow> trie * trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where "node b lr = (if \<not> b \<and> lr = (Leaf,Leaf) then Leaf else Node b lr)" fun delete2 :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where "delete2 ks Leaf = Leaf" | "delete2 ks (Node b (l,r)) = (case ks of [] \<Rightarrow> node False (l,r) | k#ks' \<Rightarrow> node b (if k then (l, delete2 ks' r) else (delete2 ks' l, r)))" lemma "isin (delete2 as t) bs = isin (delete as t) bs" apply(induction as t arbitrary: bs rule: delete2.induct) apply simp apply (force split: list.splits) done fun union :: "trie \<Rightarrow> trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where "union Leaf t = t" | "union t Leaf = t" | "union (Node v (l,r)) (Node v' (l',r')) = ( Node (v \<or> v') (union l l', union r r'))" lemma [simp]: "union t Leaf = t" by (cases t) auto lemma "isin (union a b) x = isin a x \<or> isin b x" apply (induction a b arbitrary: x rule: union.induct) apply (auto split: list.split) done datatype iptrie = IPLeaf | IPUnary bool iptrie | IPBinary bool "iptrie * iptrie" fun iptrie_\<alpha> :: "iptrie \<Rightarrow> trie" where "iptrie_\<alpha> IPLeaf = Leaf" | "iptrie_\<alpha> (IPUnary x t) = ( if x then Node False (Leaf, iptrie_\<alpha> t) else Node False (iptrie_\<alpha> t, Leaf))" | "iptrie_\<alpha> (IPBinary v (l,r)) = Node v (iptrie_\<alpha> l, iptrie_\<alpha> r)" end
theory Submission imports Defs begin fun ipisin :: "iptrie \<Rightarrow> bool list \<Rightarrow> bool" where "ipisin _ = undefined" lemma isin_refine: "ipisin t xs = isin (iptrie_\<alpha> t) xs" sorry fun ipunion :: "iptrie \<Rightarrow> iptrie \<Rightarrow> iptrie" where "ipunion _ = undefined" lemma union_refine: "iptrie_\<alpha> (ipunion t1 t2) = union (iptrie_\<alpha> t1) (iptrie_\<alpha> t2)" sorry fun ipdelete :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> iptrie \<Rightarrow> iptrie" where "ipdelete _ = undefined" lemma delete_refine: "iptrie_\<alpha> (ipdelete ks t) = delete ks (iptrie_\<alpha> t)" sorry fun shrink_unary where "shrink_unary _ = undefined" fun shrink_binary where "shrink_binary _ = undefined" fun ipdelete2 :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> iptrie \<Rightarrow> iptrie" where "ipdelete2 _ = undefined" lemma delete2_refine: "iptrie_\<alpha> (ipdelete2 ks t) = delete2 ks (iptrie_\<alpha> t)" sorry end
theory Check imports "Submission" begin lemma isin_refine: "ipisin t xs = isin (iptrie_\<alpha> t) xs" by(rule isin_refine) lemma union_refine: "iptrie_\<alpha> (ipunion t1 t2) = union (iptrie_\<alpha> t1) (iptrie_\<alpha> t2)" by(rule union_refine) lemma delete_refine: "iptrie_\<alpha> (ipdelete ks t) = delete ks (iptrie_\<alpha> t)" by(rule delete_refine) lemma delete2_refine: "iptrie_\<alpha> (ipdelete2 ks t) = delete2 ks (iptrie_\<alpha> t)" by(rule delete2_refine) end