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Fourier-Motzkin Elimination


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Definitions File

theory Defs
  imports Complex_Main

section \<open>Polyhedra\<close>

type_synonym coefficient = "rat"

type_synonym lin_term = "coefficient list"

datatype ineq = ineq "lin_term" "rat"

type_synonym polyhedron = "ineq list"

definition eval_term :: "lin_term \<Rightarrow> rat list \<Rightarrow> rat" where
"eval_term cs xs = sum_list (map (\<lambda>(c, x). c*x) (zip cs xs))"

definition ineq_sat :: "ineq \<Rightarrow> rat list \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ineq_sat p xs = (case p of (ineq cs k) \<Rightarrow> k \<ge> (eval_term cs xs))"

definition pol_sat :: "polyhedron \<Rightarrow> rat list \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"pol_sat ps xs = (\<forall>p\<in>set ps. ineq_sat p xs)"

section \<open>Fourier-Motzkin Elimination\<close>
datatype triple = triple "ineq list" "ineq list" "ineq list"

definition "G ps n = filter (\<lambda>x. case x of ineq cs k => cs!n > 0) ps"

definition "Z xs n = filter (\<lambda>x. case x of ineq ys k => ys!n = 0) xs"

definition "L xs n = filter (\<lambda>x. case x of ineq ys k => ys!n < 0) xs"

definition GZL :: "ineq list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> triple" where
"GZL xs n = triple (G xs n) (Z xs n) (L xs n)"

definition triple_sat :: "triple \<Rightarrow> rat list \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"triple_sat ts xs = (case ts of (triple gs zs ls) \<Rightarrow> (pol_sat gs xs)\<and>(pol_sat zs xs)\<and>(pol_sat ls xs))" 

\<comment> \<open>Divides all elements in a list by a constant.\<close>
definition list_div :: "rat list \<Rightarrow> rat \<Rightarrow> rat list" where
  "list_div cs cn = map (\<lambda>c. c/cn) cs"

lemma "list_div [4,5] 2 = [2, 5 / 2]"
  by eval

\<comment> \<open>Normalized an inequality by the absolute value of coefficient \<open>n\<close>.\<close>
definition ineq_div :: "ineq \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> ineq" where
"ineq_div p n = (case p of ineq cs k \<Rightarrow> ineq (list_div cs (abs(cs!n))) (k/(abs(cs!n))))"

lemma "ineq_div (ineq [7,9] 3) 1 = ineq [7 / 9, 1] (1 / 3)"
  by eval

\<comment> \<open>Normalizes all inequalities in a polyhedron by the absolute value of coefficient \<open>n\<close>.\<close>
definition pol_div :: "polyhedron \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> ineq list" where
"pol_div ps n = map (\<lambda>p. ineq_div p n) ps"

lemma "pol_div  [(ineq [-1,-1,-1] 0),
                 (ineq [3,-1,-1] 1),
                 (ineq [-1,3,-1] 2),
                 (ineq [-1,-1,3] 3)] 0
=               [ineq [- 1, - 1, - 1] 0,
                 ineq [1, - (1 / 3), - (1 / 3)] (1 / 3),
                 ineq [- 1, 3, - 1] 2,
                 ineq [- 1, - 1, 3] 3]"
  by eval

definition GZL_div :: "triple \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> triple" where
"GZL_div ts n  = (case ts of (triple xs ys zs) \<Rightarrow> triple (pol_div xs n) ys (pol_div zs n))"

lemma "GZL_div (GZL [(ineq [-1,-1,-1] 0),
                    (ineq [3,-1,-1] 1),
                    (ineq [-1,3,-1] 2),
                    (ineq [-1,-1,3] 3)] 0) 0
=      triple [ineq [1, - (1 / 3), - (1 / 3)] (1 / 3)]
              [ineq [- 1, - 1, - 1] 0, ineq [- 1, 3, - 1] 2, ineq [- 1, - 1, 3] 3]"
  by eval

\<comment> \<open>Computes the sum of two inequalities.\<close>
definition ineq_add :: "ineq \<Rightarrow> ineq \<Rightarrow> ineq" where
"ineq_add x y = (case (x,y) of (ineq xs k1, ineq ys k2) \<Rightarrow>
  ineq (map (\<lambda>(x,y). (x+y)) (zip xs ys)) (k1+k2))"

lemma "ineq_add (ineq [1,2] 4) (ineq [3,5] 2) = ineq [4, 7] 6"
  by eval

\<comment> \<open>Adds inequality \<open>g\<close> to every inequality in \<open>ls\<close>.\<close>
definition pol_add :: 
"ineq \<Rightarrow> ineq list \<Rightarrow> ineq list" where
"pol_add g ls = map (\<lambda>l. ineq_add g l) ls"

lemma "pol_add (ineq [1,2] 3) [(ineq[2,3] 4), (ineq [4,6] 2)] = [ineq [3, 5] 7, ineq [5, 8] 5]"
  by eval

\<comment> \<open>Computes the sum of all pairs of inequalities from two lists \<open>xs\<close> and \<open>ys\<close>.\<close>
definition term_pairing ::
  "ineq list \<Rightarrow> ineq list \<Rightarrow> ineq list" where
  "term_pairing xs ys = concat (map (\<lambda>x. (pol_add x ys)) xs)" for xs

\<comment> \<open>Computes all possible sums of pairs of \<open>G\<close> and \<open>L\<close> inequalities while leaving \<open>Z\<close> untouched.\<close>
definition GZL_product :: "triple \<Rightarrow> polyhedron" where
  "GZL_product x = (case x of triple gs ys ls \<Rightarrow> ys@(term_pairing gs ls))"

\<comment> \<open>We can simply run the three phases in sequence to get the Fourier-Motzkin elimination algorithm.\<close>
definition FM :: "polyhedron \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> polyhedron" where
  "FM xs n = GZL_product (GZL_div (GZL xs n) n)"


Template File

theory Submission
  imports Defs

\<comment> \<open>What we want to prove:\<close>
theorem FM_sat_equivalent:
  assumes "\<forall>p \<in> set ps. (case p of (ineq cs k) \<Rightarrow> length cs = length xs)" "n < length xs"
  shows "pol_sat (FM ps n) xs \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists>t. pol_sat ps (xs[n := t]))"

text \<open>Prove the following helpful lemmas for proof of the main correctness theorem:\<close>
theorem ineq_add_cancel:
  assumes "length gcs = length xs" "n < length xs" "gcs!n = 1" "length lcs = length xs" "lcs!n = -1"
  "ineq_sat (ineq_add (ineq gcs gk) (ineq lcs lk)) xs \<longleftrightarrow>
  eval_term (gcs[n := 0]) xs + eval_term (lcs[n := 0]) xs \<le> gk + lk"

theorem eval_term_nth_split:
  assumes "length gcs = length xs" "n < length xs"
  shows "eval_term gcs (xs[n := t]) = eval_term (gcs[n := 0]) xs + gcs!n * t"
  using assms unfolding eval_term_def

text \<open>We give partial credits for the two directions of the main theorem:\<close>
theorem FM_preserves_solution:
  assumes "\<forall>p \<in> set ps. (case p of (ineq cs k) \<Rightarrow> length cs = length xs)" "n < length xs"
    "pol_sat ps (xs[n := t])"
  shows "pol_sat (FM ps n) xs"

theorem FM_sat_has_solution:
  assumes "\<forall>p \<in> set ps. (case p of (ineq cs k) \<Rightarrow> length cs = length xs)" "n < length xs"
    "pol_sat (FM ps n) xs"
  shows "\<exists>t. pol_sat ps (xs[n := t])"


Check File

theory Check
  imports Submission

text \<open>Prove the following helpful lemmas for proof of the main correctness theorem:\<close>
theorem ineq_add_cancel:
  assumes "length gcs = length xs" "n < length xs" "gcs!n = 1" "length lcs = length xs" "lcs!n = -1"
  "ineq_sat (ineq_add (ineq gcs gk) (ineq lcs lk)) xs \<longleftrightarrow>
  eval_term (gcs[n := 0]) xs + eval_term (lcs[n := 0]) xs \<le> gk + lk"
  using assms by (rule ineq_add_cancel)

theorem eval_term_nth_split:
  assumes "length gcs = length xs" "n < length xs"
  shows "eval_term gcs (xs[n := t]) = eval_term (gcs[n := 0]) xs + gcs!n * t"
  using assms by (rule eval_term_nth_split)

text \<open>We give partial credits for the two directions of the main theorem:\<close>
theorem FM_preserves_solution:
  assumes "\<forall>p \<in> set ps. (case p of (ineq cs k) \<Rightarrow> length cs = length xs)" "n < length xs"
    "pol_sat ps (xs[n := t])"
  shows "pol_sat (FM ps n) xs"
  using assms by (rule FM_preserves_solution)

theorem FM_sat_has_solution:
  assumes "\<forall>p \<in> set ps. (case p of (ineq cs k) \<Rightarrow> length cs = length xs)" "n < length xs"
    "pol_sat (FM ps n) xs"
  shows "\<exists>t. pol_sat ps (xs[n := t])"
  using assms by (rule FM_sat_has_solution)

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Definitions File

import data.real.sign

/-! Fourier-Motzkin elimination

In this problem we will show that the following algorithm of Fourier-Motzkin elimination is correct.
This is an algorithm to eliminate variables from a linear system of inequalities.

open list

/-- A linear term. `[a₁, ..., aₙ]` represents `a₁ * x₁ + ... + aₙ * xₙ`. -/
def lin_term : Type := list ℚ

/-- A linear inequality. `([a₁, ..., aₙ], x)` represents `a₁ * x₁ + ... + aₙ * xₙ ≤ x`. -/
def ineq : Type := lin_term × ℚ

/-- A polyhedron is a list of linear inequalities.
  `([a₁, ... aₙ], x)` represents `a₁ * x₁ + ... + aₙ * xₙ ≤ x`. -/
def polyhedron : Type := list ineq

/-- The `eval_term [a₁, ..., aₙ] [x₁, ..., xₙ]` is `a₁ * x₁ + ... + aₙ * xₙ`. -/
def eval_term (t : lin_term) (qs : list ℚ) : ℚ :=
(zip_with (*) t qs).sum

/-- The proposition that an inequality is satisfied on the given point `qs`. -/
def ineq_sat (p : ineq) (qs : list ℚ) : Prop :=
eval_term p.1 qs ≤ p.2

/-- The proposition that a point `qs` lies in the polyhedron `pol`. -/
def pol_sat (pol : polyhedron) (qs : list ℚ) : Prop :=
∀ p ∈ pol, ineq_sat p qs

/-! Fourier-Motzkin Elimination -/

/-- A triple of polyhedra. The three fields will have a different sign in front of the variable
that we will eliminate. -/
structure triple :=
(pos : polyhedron)
(zero : polyhedron)
(neg : polyhedron)

/-- The inequalities of `pol` where the coefficient in front of the `n`-th variable is positive. -/
def G (pol : polyhedron) (n : ℕ) : polyhedron :=
pol.filter $ λ p, p.1.inth n > 0

/-- The inequalities of `pol` where the coefficient in front of the `n`-th variable is 0. -/
def Z (pol : polyhedron) (n : ℕ) : polyhedron :=
pol.filter $ λ p, p.1.inth n = 0

/-- The inequalities of `pol` where the coefficient in front of the `n`-th variable is negative. -/
def L (pol : polyhedron) (n : ℕ) : polyhedron :=
pol.filter $ λ p, p.1.inth n < 0

def GZL (pol : polyhedron) (n : ℕ) : triple :=
⟨G pol n, Z pol n, L pol n⟩

/-- takes an inequality and divides everything with the absolute
value of the coefficient that is in place `n` -/
def ineq_div (p : ineq) (n : ℕ) : ineq :=
let x := abs (p.1.inth n) in
( (/ x), p.2 / x)

example : ineq_div ([7,9], 3) 1 = ([7 / 9, 1], 1 / 3) := by norm_num [ineq_div, abs]

/-- Isolates the `n`-th coefficients of all linear inequalities of a polyhedon. -/
def pol_div (pol : polyhedron) (n : ℕ) : polyhedron := $ λ p, ineq_div p n

/-- Divide away the absolute value of the coefficients in front of the `n`-th variable,
unless it is 0. -/
def GZL_div (t : triple) (n : ℕ) : triple :=
⟨pol_div t.1 n, t.2, pol_div t.3 n⟩

/-- Adds two inequalities. -/
def ineq_add (p1 p2 : ineq) : ineq :=
(zip_with (+) p1.1 p2.1, p1.2 + p2.2)

/-- Adds `p` to all inequalities in `pol` -/
def pol_add (p : ineq) (pol : polyhedron) : polyhedron := (ineq_add p)

/-- given two lists of linear terms, for each pairing of linear
terms from both lists, it creates a new linear term, that is
the second added to the first -/
def term_pairing (pol1 pol2 : polyhedron) : polyhedron :=
( (λ p, pol_add p pol2)).join

/-- For ever. -/
def GZL_prod (t : triple) : polyhedron := ++ term_pairing t.pos t.neg

/-- One Fourier-Motzkin elimination step. -/
def FM (pol : polyhedron) (n : ℕ) :=
GZL_prod $ GZL_div (GZL pol n) n

/-- all lengths of the lists are the same. -/
def pol_lengths (pol : polyhedron) (N : ℕ) :=
∀ p ∈ pol, (p : ineq).1.length = N

Template File

import .defs

open list

/-! Prove the following helpful lemmas for proof of the main correctness theorem: -/

theorem ineq_add_cancel {gcs lcs : lin_term} {gk lk : ℚ} {qs : list ℚ} {n : ℕ}
  (h1 : gcs.length = qs.length) (h2 : n < qs.length) (h3 : gcs.inth n = 1)
  (h4 : lcs.length = qs.length) (h5 : lcs.inth n = -1) :
  ineq_sat (ineq_add (gcs, gk) (lcs, lk)) qs ↔
  eval_term (gcs.update_nth n 0) qs + eval_term (lcs.update_nth n 0) qs ≤ gk + lk :=

theorem eval_term_nth_split {gcs : lin_term} {gk : ℚ} {qs : list ℚ} {n : ℕ} {t : ℚ}
  (h1 : gcs.length = qs.length) (h2 : n < qs.length) :
  eval_term gcs (qs.update_nth n t) = eval_term (gcs.update_nth n 0) qs + gcs.inth n * t :=

/-! We give partial credits for the two directions of the main theorem: -/

theorem FM_preserves_solution {N : ℕ} {pol : polyhedron} (hpol : pol_lengths pol N) {n : ℕ}
  {qs : list ℚ} {t : ℚ} (hqs : n < qs.length) (ht : pol_sat pol (qs.update_nth n t)) :
  pol_sat (FM pol n) qs :=

theorem FM_sat_has_solution {N : ℕ} {pol : polyhedron} (hpol : pol_lengths pol N) {n : ℕ}
  {qs : list ℚ} (hqs : n < qs.length) (ht : pol_sat (FM pol n) qs) :
  ∃ t, pol_sat pol (qs.update_nth n t) :=

/-- These facts show that one Fourier-Motzkin elimination step gives the same polyhedron. -/
theorem FM_sat_equivalent {N : ℕ} {pol : polyhedron} (hpol : pol_lengths pol N) {n : ℕ}
  {qs : list ℚ} (hqs : n < qs.length) :
  pol_sat (FM pol n) qs ↔ ∃ t, pol_sat pol (qs.update_nth n t) :=
⟨FM_sat_has_solution hpol hqs, λ ⟨t, ht⟩, FM_preserves_solution hpol hqs ht⟩

Check File

import .submission

open list

theorem check1 : ∀ {gcs lcs : lin_term} {gk lk : ℚ} {qs : list ℚ} {n : ℕ}
  (h1 : gcs.length = qs.length) (h2 : n < qs.length) (h3 : gcs.inth n = 1)
  (h4 : lcs.length = qs.length) (h5 : lcs.inth n = -1),
  ineq_sat (ineq_add (gcs, gk) (lcs, lk)) qs ↔
  eval_term (gcs.update_nth n 0) qs + eval_term (lcs.update_nth n 0) qs ≤ gk + lk :=

theorem check2 : ∀ {gcs : lin_term} {gk : ℚ} {qs : list ℚ} {n : ℕ} {t : ℚ}
  (h1 : gcs.length = qs.length) (h2 : n < qs.length),
  eval_term gcs (qs.update_nth n t) = eval_term (gcs.update_nth n 0) qs + gcs.inth n * t :=

/-! We give partial credits for the two directions of the main theorem: -/

theorem check3 : ∀ {N : ℕ} {pol : polyhedron} (hpol : pol_lengths pol N) {n : ℕ}
  {qs : list ℚ} {t : ℚ} (hqs : n < qs.length) (ht : pol_sat pol (qs.update_nth n t)),
  pol_sat (FM pol n) qs :=

theorem check4 : ∀ {N : ℕ} {pol : polyhedron} (hpol : pol_lengths pol N) {n : ℕ}
  {qs : list ℚ} (hqs : n < qs.length) (ht : pol_sat (FM pol n) qs),
  ∃ t, pol_sat pol (qs.update_nth n t) :=
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Definitions File

From Coq Require Export List QArith.
From Coq Require Import Qabs Qreduction Bool.
Import ListNotations.

(* Fourier-Motzkin elimination *)

Open Scope Q.

(* A linear term. `[a₁; ...; aₙ]` represents `a₁ * x₁ + ... + aₙ * xₙ`. *)
Definition lin_term : Type := list Q.

(* A linear inequality. `([a₁, ..., aₙ], x)` represents `a₁ * x₁ + ... + aₙ * xₙ ≤ x`. *)
Definition ineq : Type := lin_term * Q.

(* A polyhedron is a list of linear inequalities.
  `([a₁, ... aₙ], x)` represents `a₁ * x₁ + ... + aₙ * xₙ ≤ x`. *)
Definition polyhedron : Type := list ineq.

(* The `eval_term [a₁, ..., aₙ] [x₁, ..., xₙ]` is `a₁ * x₁ + ... + aₙ * xₙ`. *)
Definition eval_term (t : lin_term) (qs : list Q) : Q :=
  fold_right (fun '(a, x) sum => sum + a * x) 0 (combine t qs).

(* The proposition that an inequality is satisfied on the given point `qs`. *)
Definition ineq_sat (p : ineq) (qs : list Q) : Prop :=
  eval_term (fst p) qs <= (snd p).

(* The proposition that a point `qs` lies in the polyhedron `pol`. *)
Definition pol_sat (pol : polyhedron) (qs : list Q) : Prop :=
  forall p, In p pol -> ineq_sat p qs.

(* Fourier-Motzkin Elimination *)

(* A triple of polyhedra. The three fields will have a different sign in front of the variable
that we will eliminate. *)
Structure triple := Triple {
  pos : polyhedron;
  zero : polyhedron;
  neg : polyhedron}.

(* The inequalities of `pol` where the coefficient in front of the `n`-th variable is positive. *)
Definition Qlt_bool (x y : Q) :=
  (Qnum x * QDen y <? Qnum y * QDen x)%Z.

(* Definition Qlt_bool (q1 q2 : Q) : bool := *)
(*   (Qle_bool q1 q2) && negb (Qeq_bool q1 q2). *)

Definition G (pol : polyhedron) (n : nat) : polyhedron :=
  filter (fun '(tm, _) => Qlt_bool 0 (nth n tm 0)) pol.

(* The inequalities of `pol` where the coefficient in front of the `n`-th variable is 0. *)
Definition Z (pol : polyhedron) (n : nat) : polyhedron :=
  filter (fun '(tm, _) => Qeq_bool 0 (nth n tm 0)) pol.

(* The inequalities of `pol` where the coefficient in front of the `n`-th variable is negative. *)
Definition L (pol : polyhedron) (n : nat) : polyhedron :=
  filter (fun '(tm, _) => Qlt_bool (nth n tm 0) 0) pol.

Definition GZL (pol : polyhedron) (n : nat) : triple :=
  Triple (G pol n) (Z pol n) (L pol n).

(* takes an inequality and divides everything with the absolute
value of the coefficient that is in place `n`,
   the rational numbers in the result are normalized with `Qred` *)
Definition ineq_div (p : ineq) (n : nat) : ineq :=
  let '(tm, v) := p in
  let x := Qabs (nth n tm 0) in
  (map (fun q => Qred (q / x)) tm, Qred (v / x)).

Check eq_refl : ineq_div ([7;9], 3) 1 = ([7 # 9; 1], 1 # 3).

(* Isolates the `n`-th coefficients of all linear inequalities of a polyhedon. *)
Definition pol_div (pol : polyhedron) (n : nat) : polyhedron :=
  map (fun p => ineq_div p n) pol.

(* Divide away the absolute value of the coefficients in front of the `n`-th variable,
unless it is 0. *)
Definition GZL_div (t : triple) (n : nat) : triple :=
  Triple (pol_div t.(pos) n) (t.(zero)) (pol_div t.(neg) n).

(* Adds two inequalities. *)
Definition ineq_add (p1 p2 : ineq) : ineq :=
  (map (fun '(q1, q2) => q1 + q2) (combine (fst p1) (fst p2)), snd p1 + snd p2).

(* Adds `p` to all inequalities in `pol` *)
Definition pol_add (p : ineq) (pol : polyhedron) : polyhedron :=
  map (ineq_add p) pol.

(* given two lists of linear terms, for each pairing of linear
terms from both lists, it creates a new linear term, that is
the second added to the first *)
Definition term_pairing (pol1 pol2 : polyhedron) : polyhedron :=
  concat (map (fun p => pol_add p pol2) pol1).

(* For ever. *)
Definition GZL_prod (t : triple) : polyhedron :=
  zero t ++ term_pairing t.(pos) t.(neg).

(* One Fourier-Motzkin elimination step. *)
Definition FM (pol : polyhedron) (n : nat) :=
  GZL_prod (GZL_div (GZL pol n) n).

(* all lengths of the lists are the same. *)
Definition pol_lengths (pol : polyhedron) (N : nat) : Prop :=
  forall p : ineq, In p pol -> length (fst p) = N.

(* Helper: update n-th element of a list xs with a value x. Zero-based indexing *)
Fixpoint update_nth {A} (n : nat) (x : A) (xs : list A) : list A :=
  match n, xs with
  | _, [] => xs
  | O, _ :: xs' => x :: xs'
  | S n', h :: xs' => h :: update_nth n' x xs'

Notation "xs '[' n ':=' x ']'" := (update_nth n x xs) (at level 0).

Template File

From Coq Require Import List QArith Qabs Qreduction Bool.
Require Import Defs.

Open Scope Q.

(* Prove the following helpful lemmas for proof of the main correctness theorem: *)

Lemma ineq_add_cancel {gcs lcs : lin_term} {gk lk : Q} {qs : list Q} {n : nat} :
  length gcs = length qs ->
  (n < length qs)%nat ->
  nth n gcs 0 = 1 ->
  length lcs = length qs ->
  nth n lcs 0 = -1 ->
  ineq_sat (ineq_add (gcs, gk) (lcs, lk)) qs
  eval_term (gcs [n:=0]) qs + eval_term (lcs [n := 0]) qs <= gk + lk.

Lemma eval_term_nth_split {gcs : lin_term} {qs : list Q} {n : nat} {t : Q} :
  length gcs = length qs ->
  (n < length qs)%nat ->
  eval_term gcs (qs [n := t]) == eval_term (gcs [n := 0]) qs + nth n gcs 0 * t.

(* We give partial credits for the two directions of the main theorem: *)

Lemma FM_preserves_solution {N : nat} {pol : polyhedron} (hpol : pol_lengths pol N) {n : nat} {qs : list Q} {t : Q} :
  (n < length qs)%nat ->
  pol_sat pol (qs [n := t]) ->
  pol_sat (FM pol n) qs.

Lemma FM_sat_has_solution {N : nat} {pol : polyhedron} (hpol : pol_lengths pol N) {n : nat} {qs : list Q} :
  (n < length qs)%nat ->
  pol_sat (FM pol n) qs ->
  exists t, pol_sat pol (qs [n := t]).
Check @FM_preserves_solution.

(* The main result we want to prove.These facts show that one Fourier-Motzkin
elimination step gives the same polyhedron. *)
Theorem FM_sat_equivalent {N : nat} {pol : polyhedron}
  (hpol : pol_lengths pol N) {n : nat} {qs : list Q} :
  (n < length qs)%nat ->
  pol_sat (FM pol n) qs <-> exists t, pol_sat pol (qs [n := t]).

Terms and Conditions