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Kadane's Algorithm


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Definitions File

\<comment> \<open>Task description\<close>
theory Defs
  imports Main

  fixes a :: "nat \<Rightarrow> int" \<comment> \<open>The input array\<close>
  fixes n :: nat \<comment> \<open>The length of @{term a}\<close>
  assumes n_gt_0: "n > 0"

  "max_sum_subseq = Max {\<Sum>k=i..j. a k | i j. i \<le> j \<and> j < n}"

function f where
  "f i s m = (
    if i \<ge> n then m
    let s' = (if s > 0 then s + a i else a i) in
    f (i + 1) s' (max s' m)
  by auto
  by (relation "measure (\<lambda>(i, _, _). n - i)"; simp)

  "sum_upto j = Max {\<Sum>k=i..j. a k | i. i \<le> j}"



Template File

theory Submission
  imports Defs

  fixes a :: "nat \<Rightarrow> int" \<comment> \<open>The input array\<close>
  fixes n :: nat \<comment> \<open>The length of @{term a}\<close>
  assumes n_gt_0: "n > 0"

definition max_sum_subseq where
  "max_sum_subseq = Max {\<Sum>k=i..j. a k | i j. i \<le> j \<and> j < n}"

function f where
  "f i s m = (
    if i \<ge> n then m
    let s' = (if s > 0 then s + a i else a i) in
    f (i + 1) s' (max s' m)
  by auto
  by (relation "measure (\<lambda>(i, _, _). n - i)"; simp)

theorem max_sum_subseq_compute':
  "max_sum_subseq = f 1 (a 0) (a 0)"

lemma f_eq:
  "Defs.f a n i x y = Submission.f a n i x y" if "n > 0"
  by (induction i x y rule: f.induct) (simp add: f.simps that)


theorem max_sum_subseq_compute:
  "n > 0 \<Longrightarrow> Defs.max_sum_subseq a n = Defs.f a n 1 (a 0) (a 0)"
  using max_sum_subseq_compute' by (simp only: Defs.max_sum_subseq_def max_sum_subseq_def f_eq)


Check File

theory Check
  imports Submission

theorem max_sum_subseq_compute:
  "n > 0 \<Longrightarrow> Defs.max_sum_subseq a n = Defs.f a n 1 (a 0) (a 0)"
  by (rule max_sum_subseq_compute)

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Definitions File

import data.finset.intervals
import order.conditionally_complete_lattice
import data.real.basic
Maximum Sum Subsequence

Given a finite sequence of real numbers.
The goal is to show that the given algorithm below computes the maximal sum of any (consecutive)

open_locale big_operators

  (a : ℕ → ℝ) -- the input array
  (n : ℕ) -- the length of the array
  (h : 0 < n)

/-- The function `∑ k in Ico i j, a k` maximized over all `i < j < n+1` -/
noncomputable def max_sum_subseq : ℝ :=
Sup $ (λ p : ℕ × ℕ, ∑ k in finset.Ico p.1 p.2, a k) '' { p : ℕ × ℕ | p.1 < p.2 ∧ p.2 ≤ n }

/-- The algorithm to compute the maximum. -/
noncomputable def find_max : ℕ → ℝ → ℝ → ℝ
| i s m :=
  if hi : i < n then
  let s' := if 0 < s then s + a i else a i in
  have hi : n - (i + 1) < n - i, from (nat.sub_lt_sub_left_iff $ by linarith).mpr $ by linarith,
  find_max (i+1) s' (max s' m)
using_well_founded { rel_tac := λ _ _,
  `[exact ⟨ _, measure_wf $ λ ⟨arg1, arg2, arg3⟩, n - arg1⟩] }

Template File

import .defs

noncomputable theory

open_locale big_operators


  (a : ℕ → ℝ) -- the input array
  (n : ℕ) -- the length of the array
  (h : 0 < n)

include h

/-- Now prove the final theorem: -/
lemma max_sum_subseq_compute : max_sum_subseq a n = find_max a n 1 (a 0) (a 0) :=


Check File

import .submission

lemma check : ∀ (a : ℕ → ℝ) (n : ℕ) (h : 0 < n),
  max_sum_subseq a n = find_max a n 1 (a 0) (a 0) :=
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Definitions File

From Coq Require Export List ZArith.
Import ListNotations.

(* Maximum Sum Subsequence

Given a finite sequence of integer numbers, the goal is to show that the given
algorithm below (`mss`) computes the maximal sum of any (consecutive)
subsequence. *)

Fixpoint mss' (xs : list Z) (s m : Z) : Z :=
  match xs with
  | [] => m
  | x :: xs' =>
    let s' := Z.max x (s + x) in
    mss' xs' s' (Z.max s' m)

Definition mss (xs : list Z) : Z :=
  match xs with
  | [] => 0%Z
  | x :: xs' => mss' xs' x x

(* Unit test *)
Check eq_refl : mss [-2; 1; -3; 4; -1; 2; 1; -5; 4]%Z = 6%Z.
(*                              ^^^^^^^^^^^                  *)
(*                              maximal subsequence          *)

(* The definition of subsequence `sub` of a list `xs`. *)
Definition subseq {A} (sub xs : list A) : Prop :=
  exists (prefix suffix : list A), xs = prefix ++ sub ++ suffix.

(* The sum of the elements of a list `xs` *)
Definition sum (xs : list Z) : Z :=
  fold_right Z.add 0%Z xs.

Template File

From Coq Require Import List ZArith.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Defs.

(* Maximum Sum Subsequence

Given a finite sequence of integer numbers, the goal is to show that the given
algorithm `mss` computes the maximal sum of any (consecutive) subsequence. *)

(* The `mss` algorithm finds the sum of a subsequence and its the largest one *)
Theorem mss_correct (xs : list Z) :
  0 < length xs ->
  (exists s, subseq s xs /\ mss xs = sum s)
  (forall s, subseq s xs -> 0 < length s -> (sum s <= mss xs)%Z).

Terms and Conditions