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theory Defs imports "HOL-Library.Multiset" "HOL-Data_Structures.Define_Time_Function" begin declare Let_def [simp] declare [[names_short]] fun split_min :: "'a::linorder list \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'a list" where "split_min [x] = (x,[])" | "split_min (x#xs) = ( let (y,ys) = split_min xs in if (x<y) then (x,xs) else (y,x#ys) )" lemma split_min_len: "split_min(x#xs) = (y,ys) \<Longrightarrow> length ys = length xs" apply (induction xs arbitrary: x y ys) apply (auto split: prod.splits if_splits) done lemma split_min_snd_len_decr[termination_simp]: assumes "(y,ys) = split_min (x#xs)" shows "length ys < Suc (length xs)" using assms[symmetric] by (simp add: split_min_len) fun sel_sort where "sel_sort [] = []" | "sel_sort xs = (let (y,ys) = split_min xs in y#sel_sort ys)" lemma split_min_mset: assumes "split_min (x#xs) = (y,ys)" shows "mset (x#xs) = add_mset y (mset ys)" using assms apply (induction xs arbitrary: y ys rule: split_min.induct) apply (auto split: prod.splits if_splits) done time_fun split_min time_fun sel_sort fun C_qsort :: "'a::linorder list \<Rightarrow> nat" where "C_qsort [] = 0" | "C_qsort (p#xs) = C_qsort (filter (\<lambda>x. x < p) xs) + C_qsort (filter (\<lambda>x. x \<ge> p) xs) + 2*length xs" (* Might be helpful *) fun index :: "('a::linorder) list \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> nat" where "index [] x = 0" | "index (x#xs) y = (if x=y then 0 else Suc (index xs y))" consts rev_pre :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" consts place_max_correct :: "('a::linorder) list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" consts psort :: "('a::linorder) list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" end
theory Submission imports Defs begin lemma T_split_min_cmpx: "xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> T_split_min xs = length xs" sorry theorem T_sel_sort_cmpx: "T_sel_sort xs = undefined" \<comment> \<open>Replace with your closed form\<close> sorry lemma C_qsort_bound: "C_qsort xs \<le> (length xs)\<^sup>2" sorry fun rev_pre :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where "rev_pre _ _ = []" lemma mset_rev_pre[simp]: "mset (rev_pre n xs) = mset xs" sorry definition place_max_correct :: "('a::linorder) list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where "place_max_correct _ = []" lemma mset_place_max_correct[simp]: "mset (place_max_correct (x#xs)) = mset (x#xs)" sorry lemma last_place_max_correct: "xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> last (place_max_correct xs) = Max (set xs)" sorry lemma length_place_max_correct[simp]: "length (place_max_correct (x#xs)) = length (x#xs)" sorry fun psort :: "('a::linorder) list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where "psort _ = []" lemma psort_mset[simp]: "mset (psort xs) = mset xs" sorry lemma sorted_psort: "sorted (psort xs)" sorry (* Bonus exercise starts here: *) fun rev_pre_chain :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where "rev_pre_chain [] xs = xs" | "rev_pre_chain (r#rs) xs = rev_pre_chain rs (rev_pre r xs)" definition "psortable_in xs k \<equiv> \<exists>rs . length rs \<le> k \<and> (let ys = rev_pre_chain rs xs in mset ys = mset xs \<and> sorted ys)" fun psort_revs :: "('a :: linorder) list \<Rightarrow> nat list" where "psort_revs _ = []" lemma length_psort_revs: "length (psort_revs xs) \<le> undefined" \<comment> \<open>Replace with your bound\<close> sorry lemma mset_rev_pre_chain_psort_revs: "mset (rev_pre_chain (psort_revs xs) xs) = mset xs" sorry lemma sorted_psort_revs: "sorted (rev_pre_chain (psort_revs xs) xs)" sorry theorem psortable_in_linear: "psortable_in xs undefined" \<comment> \<open>Replace with your bound\<close> sorry end
theory Check imports Submission begin lemma T_split_min_cmpx: "xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> T_split_min xs = length xs" by (rule Submission.T_split_min_cmpx) lemma C_qsort_bound: "C_qsort xs \<le> (length xs)\<^sup>2" by (rule Submission.C_qsort_bound) lemma mset_rev_pre: "mset (rev_pre n xs) = mset xs" by (rule Submission.mset_rev_pre) lemma mset_place_max_correct: "mset (place_max_correct (x#xs)) = mset (x#xs)" by (rule Submission.mset_place_max_correct) lemma last_place_max_correct: "xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> last (place_max_correct xs) = Max (set xs)" by (rule Submission.last_place_max_correct) lemma length_place_max_correct: "length (place_max_correct (x#xs)) = length (x#xs)" by (rule Submission.length_place_max_correct) lemma psort_mset: "mset (psort xs) = mset xs" by (rule Submission.psort_mset) lemma sorted_psort: "sorted (psort xs)" by (rule Submission.sorted_psort) lemma mset_rev_pre_chain_psort_revs: "mset (rev_pre_chain (psort_revs xs) xs) = mset xs" by (rule Submission.mset_rev_pre_chain_psort_revs) lemma sorted_psort_revs: "sorted (rev_pre_chain (psort_revs xs) xs)" by (rule Submission.sorted_psort_revs) end