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theory Defs imports Main "HOL-Number_Theory.Eratosthenes" "HOL-Library.Infinite_Set" \<comment> \<open>Only needed for last theorem\<close> begin fun S :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where "S 0 = 2" | "S (Suc n) = S n * (S n + 1)" definition "pf n = Min (prime_factors n)" end
theory Submission imports Defs begin text \<open>Illustration: \<open>n\<close>: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 \<open>S(n)\<close>: 2 | 6 | 42 | 1806 = 42 * 43 \<open>pf(S(n)+1)\<close>: 3 | 7 | 43 | 13 (13 * 139 = 1807) \<close> theorem prime_pf_Suc_S: "prime(pf(S(n)+1))" sorry theorem pf_S_inj: assumes "pf(S(n)+1) = pf(S(m)+1)" shows "n = m" sorry theorem infinitely_many_primes: "infinite {p :: nat. prime p}" proof - let ?S = "(\<lambda>n. pf(S(n)+1)) ` UNIV" let ?P = "{p :: nat. prime p}" have "?S \<subseteq> ?P" using prime_pf_Suc_S by auto moreover have "infinite ?S" by (intro range_inj_infinite inj_onI, rule pf_S_inj) ultimately show ?thesis by (rule infinite_super) qed end
theory Check imports Submission begin theorem prime_pf_Suc_S: "prime(pf(S(n)+1))" by (rule Submission.prime_pf_Suc_S) theorem pf_S_inj: "pf(S(n)+1) = pf(S(m)+1) \<Longrightarrow> n = m" by (rule Submission.pf_S_inj) end
import data.nat.prime import data.list.min_max definition S : ℕ → ℕ | 0 := 2 | (n + 1) := S n * (S n + 1) definition pf (n : ℕ) : ℕ := match n.factors.minimum with | none := 0 | some n := n end ----------------------just some definitions to prevent cheating------------------------ definition prime_pf_succ_s_prop : Prop := ∀ (n : ℕ), (pf (S n + 1)).prime notation `prime_pf_succ_s_prop` := prime_pf_succ_s_prop definition pf_S_inj_prop : Prop := ∀ {n m : ℕ} (hyp : pf (S n + 1) = pf (S m + 1)), n = m notation `pf_S_inj_prop` := pf_S_inj_prop
import .defs /- Illustration: n 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 S n: 2 | 6 | 42 | 1806 = 42 * 43 pf (S n+1): 3 | 7 | 43 | 13 (13 * 139 = 1807) -/ lemma prime_pf_succ_s : ∀ (n : ℕ), (pf (S n + 1)).prime := sorry lemma pf_S_inj : ∀ {n m : ℕ} (hyp : pf (S n + 1) = pf (S m + 1)), n = m := sorry
import .defs import .submission lemma check_prime_pf_succ_s : prime_pf_succ_s_prop := @prime_pf_succ_s lemma check_pf_S_inj : pf_S_inj_prop := @pf_S_inj
From Coq Require Export Arith PeanoNat. Require ZArith.BinInt. Definition prime (n:nat) := 2 <= n /\ forall k, 2 <= k -> Nat.divide k n -> k = n. (** this is the function "S" from the exercise statement (renamed to not clash with the nat-constructor [S] ) *) Fixpoint fS (n:nat) : nat := match n with 0 => 2 | S n => fS n * (fS n + 1) end. (** We provide the implementation of pf here; the only important properties is [pf_spec], *after* the module. *) Require Znumtheory BinInt. Require List ConstructiveEpsilon Lia PeanoNat. Definition isMinimumOf n (P : nat -> Prop) := P n /\ forall n', P n' -> n <= n'. Definition primeDivisorOf n k :Prop := prime k /\ Nat.divide k n. Module pf. Section pf. Import List ConstructiveEpsilon Lia PeanoNat. Lemma lt_wf_rect n (P:nat -> Type): (forall n, (forall m, m < n -> P m) -> P n) -> P n. Proof. pattern n. revert n. apply Fix with (1:=Wf_nat.lt_wf). intuition. Qed. Let pfOfIs (n k : nat) :Prop := 2 <= n -> isMinimumOf k (primeDivisorOf n). Lemma min_computable P: (exists n, P n) -> (forall n, {P n} + {~ P n}) -> {k & isMinimumOf k P}. Proof. intros H Pdec. apply constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat_Acc in H as (n&HPn). 2:easy. revert P HPn Pdec. induction n as [n IH] using lt_wf_rect. intros. destruct (Pdec 0). { exists 0. hnf. intuition lia. } destruct n as [ | n]. 1:easy. edestruct IH with (P:= fun i => P (S i) ) (m:=n) as (k'&?&Hk). 1,2,3:now eauto. exists (S k'). split. 1:now easy. intros []. easy. intros ?%Hk. lia. Qed. Import BinInt. Lemma divide_agree n m: (0 < n -> 0 <= m -> (n | m)%Z <-> Nat.divide (Z.to_nat n) (Z.to_nat m))%Z. Proof. intros. rewrite <- Nat.mod_divide,<-Z.mod_divide. 2:lia. 2:{now intros ->%(Znat.Z2Nat.inj _ 0);nia. } rewrite <- (Znat.Z2Nat.id m) at 1. rewrite <- (Znat.Z2Nat.id n) at 1. 2-3:lia. rewrite <- (Zdiv.mod_Zmod). 2:{now intros ->%(Znat.Z2Nat.inj _ 0);nia. } rewrite <- Znat.Nat2Z.inj_iff. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma prime_agree n : Znumtheory.prime n <-> prime (Z.to_nat n). Proof. rewrite <- Znumtheory.prime_alt. unfold Defs.prime,Znumtheory.prime'. split. -intros [H H']. split. {apply (Znat.Z2Nat.inj_le 2). all:lia. } intros k ? H4. apply Nat.eq_dne. intros H1. rewrite <- (Znat.Nat2Z.id k) in H4. apply divide_agree in H4. 2-3:lia. eapply H'. 2:eassumption. apply Z.divide_pos_le in H4. assert (Z.of_nat k <> n). intros <-. rewrite Znat.Nat2Z.id in H1. all:lia. -intros [H H']. split. {destruct n. 1,3:easy. cbn in H. lia. } intros ? [] H4. apply divide_agree in H4. 2-3:nia. apply H' in H4. apply Znat.Z2Nat.inj in H4 as ->. 4:apply Znat.Z2Nat.inj_lt in H0. 4:replace (Z.to_nat 1) with 1 in H0 by reflexivity. all:lia. Qed. Definition pf_computable n : {k & pfOfIs n k}. Proof. unfold pfOfIs,primeDivisorOf. destruct (Compare_dec.le_dec 2 n) as [Hn|]. 2:now eexists 0. edestruct min_computable as (k&Hk). 3:{ exists k. intros _. exact Hk. } all:cbn. -revert Hn. induction n using lt_wf_rect. intros ?. setoid_rewrite <- Znat.Nat2Z.id. setoid_rewrite <- prime_agree. destruct (Znumtheory.prime_dec (Z.of_nat n)) as [ | H']. now eauto using Nat.divide_refl. apply Znumtheory.not_prime_divide in H' as (m&[]&?). 2:lia. destruct (H (Z.to_nat m)) as (p&Hp_prime&Hp_div). 2:apply Znat.Nat2Z.inj_le. apply Znat.Nat2Z.inj_lt. 1,2:rewrite Znat.Z2Nat.id. 3:replace (Z.of_nat 2) with 2%Z by reflexivity. 1-4:lia. eexists. rewrite prime_agree. rewrite Znat.Nat2Z.id. split. eassumption. etransitivity. eassumption. setoid_rewrite <- divide_agree. all:intuition lia. -intros m. destruct (Znumtheory.prime_dec (Z.of_nat m)) as [H|H]. all:rewrite prime_agree, Znat.Nat2Z.id in H. 2:now right;intuition. unfold prime in *. destruct (Nat.eq_dec (n mod m) 0) as [H'|H']. all:rewrite Nat.mod_divide in H';[|lia]. all:intuition. Qed. End pf. End pf. (** You can ignore the above module. *) Definition pf n:= (projT1 (pf.pf_computable n)). Definition pf_spec n : 2 <= n -> primeDivisorOf n (pf n) /\ forall k, primeDivisorOf n k -> pf n <= k. Proof. unfold pf. destruct pf.pf_computable. eauto. Qed.
Require Import Defs. (** * Task 1*) Lemma prime_pf_S_fS (n:nat): prime (pf (fS n + 1)). Proof. Admitted. (** * Task2 *) Lemma pf_fS_inj (n m:nat) : pf (fS n + 1) = pf (fS m + 1) -> n = m. Proof. Admitted. (** * Final Conclusion *) Require Import List Lia. Lemma infinitely_many_primes': forall n, exists L, n <= length L /\ Forall prime L /\ NoDup L. Proof. intros n. exists (map (fun i => pf(fS i + 1)) (seq 0 n)). repeat split. -now rewrite map_length,seq_length. -apply Forall_forall. intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff. eauto using prime_pf_S_fS. -erewrite NoDup_nth with (d:= pf(fS 0 + 1)). rewrite map_length,seq_length. setoid_rewrite map_nth with (d:=0)(f:=(fun i0 : nat => pf (fS i0 + 1))). intros ? ? ? ? H'. setoid_rewrite seq_nth in H'. cbn in H'. 2-3:nia. now apply pf_fS_inj. Qed.
theory Defs imports Main "HOL-Number_Theory.Eratosthenes" "HOL-Library.Infinite_Set" \<comment> \<open>Only needed for last theorem\<close> begin fun S :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where "S 0 = 2" | "S (Suc n) = S n * (S n + 1)" definition "pf n = Min (prime_factors n)" end
theory Submission imports Defs begin text \<open>Illustration: \<open>n\<close>: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 \<open>S(n)\<close>: 2 | 6 | 42 | 1806 = 42 * 43 \<open>pf(S(n)+1)\<close>: 3 | 7 | 43 | 13 (13 * 139 = 1807) \<close> theorem prime_pf_Suc_S: "prime(pf(S(n)+1))" sorry theorem pf_S_inj: assumes "pf(S(n)+1) = pf(S(m)+1)" shows "n = m" sorry theorem infinitely_many_primes: "infinite {p :: nat. prime p}" proof - let ?S = "(\<lambda>n. pf(S(n)+1)) ` UNIV" let ?P = "{p :: nat. prime p}" have "?S \<subseteq> ?P" using prime_pf_Suc_S by auto moreover have "infinite ?S" by (intro range_inj_infinite inj_onI, rule pf_S_inj) ultimately show ?thesis by (rule infinite_super) qed end
theory Check imports Submission begin theorem prime_pf_Suc_S: "prime(pf(S(n)+1))" by (rule Submission.prime_pf_Suc_S) theorem pf_S_inj: "pf(S(n)+1) = pf(S(m)+1) \<Longrightarrow> n = m" by (rule Submission.pf_S_inj) end