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SAT solver


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Definitions File

From Coq Require Export List.
From Coq Require Import Nat Recdef Lia.
Export ListNotations.

(* Verification of a simple SAT solver
 * -----------------------------------

(* Types defining the problem and solution

   The solver takes as input a query in CNF form, representing a conjunction of
   clauses, where each clause represents a conjunction of literals.

   Each literal represents a boolean variable (or its negation), and the goal of
   the solver is to produce a boolean assignation for each literal present in
   the input formula.

(* A literal. [Pos n] corresponds to literal n, and [Neg n] to its negation.
Inductive literal :=
  | Pos : nat -> literal
  | Neg : nat -> literal.

(* A clause represents a disjunction of literals *)
Definition clause := list literal.

(* A SAT problem in Conjunctive Normal Form:
   it corresponds to a conjunction of clauses *)
Definition cnf := list clause.

(* Example:

   The following cnf:
   [[Pos 1; Neg 2];
    [Neg 1; Pos 3; Pos 4]]

   corresponds to the boolean formula:
   (x1 \/ ~x2) /\
   (~x1 \/ x3 \/ x4)

   where x1, x2, x3 and x4 are boolean variables.

(* The goal of the solver is to produce an assignment. We represent it as a list
   of literals, which correspond to the literals that are taken to be true.

   In other words, if the assignment list contains [Neg 3], then the boolean
   variable x3 should be assigned to false.

   Note: we generally only want to consider "valid" assignments, which do not
   include both a literal and its negation. We will come back to this later (see
Definition assignment := list literal.

(* In fact, the solver we implement will return a list of all possible

   (This would be terribly inefficient if we were to run the solver and compute
   the full list of solutions, but we can instead compute it using a
   call-by-name strategy (thus, the list of solutions becomes a lazy list), and
   only retrieve the first solution of the list.)
Definition solutions := list assignment.

(* Helper functions and lemmas

   Mainly define the (computable) equality function on literals,
   literal negation, and associated lemmas.

(* Some auxiliary functions on literals. *)
Definition lit_eqb (l1 l2: literal): bool :=
  match l1, l2 with
  | Pos u, Pos v
  | Neg u, Neg v => u =? v
  | _, _ => false

Lemma lit_eqb_eq l1 l2: lit_eqb l1 l2 = true <-> l1 = l2.
  destruct l1, l2; cbn; try now (split; congruence).
  all: rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq; split; congruence.

Lemma lit_eqb_neq l1 l2 : lit_eqb l1 l2 = false <-> l1 <> l2.
  destruct l1, l2; cbn; try now (split; congruence).
  all: rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq; split; congruence.

Definition lit_neg (l: literal): literal :=
  match l with
  | Pos n => Neg n
  | Neg n => Pos n

Lemma lit_neg_idemp (l: literal) : lit_neg (lit_neg l) = l.
Proof. destruct l; auto. Qed.

(* The size of a CNF, defined as the the number of its literals.
   Used to prove termination of the solver. *)
Fixpoint cnf_size (c: cnf): nat :=
  match c with
  | [] => 0
  | cl :: rest => length cl + cnf_size rest

Ltac case_if :=
  match goal with
    |- context [if ?b then _ else _] =>
    destruct b eqn:?

Lemma existsb_lit_notin l c : existsb (lit_eqb l) c = false <-> ~ In l c.
  { intros ? ?. enough (existsb (lit_eqb l) c = true) by congruence.
    apply existsb_exists. eexists; split; eauto. apply lit_eqb_eq; auto. }
  { intros HH. destruct (existsb (lit_eqb l) c) eqn:Heq; auto. exfalso.
    apply existsb_exists in Heq as [? [? ->%lit_eqb_eq]]. apply HH. auto. }

(* The solver definition

   This is the implementation of the SAT solver itself.

   Its main function is [resolve]. It relies on the [propagate] auxiliary
   function, which implements literal propagation.

   The high-level intuition is that [propagate l c] takes a literal [l] and a
   cnf [c], and, assuming that [l] is to be assigned to true, simplifies [c]
   into a new cnf which does not rely on [l] or [lit_neg l] anymore.

   The [_variant] lemmas can be ignored, they are only used in the (included)
   proof of termination for defining [resolve].

Definition remove_lit (l: literal) (cl: clause) :=
  List.filter (fun l' => negb (lit_eqb l l')) cl.

Fixpoint propagate (l: literal) (c: cnf) : cnf :=
  match c with
  | [] => []
  | cl :: rest =>
    if List.existsb (lit_eqb l) cl
    then propagate l rest
    else (remove_lit (lit_neg l) cl) :: (propagate l rest)

Lemma remove_lit_variant (l: literal) (cl: clause):
  length (remove_lit l cl) <= length cl.
  induction cl as [| ? ? IHcl]; cbn; try case_if; cbn; auto.
  unfold remove_lit in IHcl. lia.

Lemma propagate_variant (l: literal) (c: cnf):
  cnf_size (propagate l c) <= cnf_size c.
  induction c as [| cl c IHc]; cbn; auto.
  case_if; cbn; try lia. pose proof (remove_lit_variant (lit_neg l) cl).

Function resolve (c: cnf) {measure cnf_size c}: solutions :=
  match c with
  | [] => [[]]
  | cl :: rest =>
    match cl with
    | [] => []
    | l :: cl' =>
      let c1 := propagate l rest in
      let c2 := propagate (lit_neg l) (cl' :: rest) in
      let solutions1 := (List.cons l) (resolve c1) in
      let solutions2 := (List.cons (lit_neg l)) (resolve c2) in
      solutions1 ++ solutions2
  (* Proof of termination *)
  all: intros c cl rest l cl'; intros -> ->; cbn.
  { destruct (existsb (lit_eqb (lit_neg l))); cbn.
    - pose proof (propagate_variant (lit_neg l) rest). lia.
    - pose proof (remove_lit_variant (lit_neg (lit_neg l)) cl').
      pose proof (propagate_variant (lit_neg l) rest). lia. }
  { pose proof (propagate_variant l rest). lia. }

(* NB: Function generates an induction principle for [resolve], and a lemma to
   unfold its body. You will need to use them. *)
Check resolve_ind.
Check resolve_equation.

(* Interpretation of clauses and cnf

   Given an assignment, we can "evaluate" a clause/a cnf as a boolean.
   This is done by the [interp] functions below.

Fixpoint interp_clause (cl: clause) (a: assignment): bool :=
  match cl with
  | [] => false
  | l :: cl' => List.existsb (lit_eqb l) a || interp_clause cl' a

Fixpoint interp (c: cnf) (a: assignment): bool :=
  match c with
  | [] => true
  | cl :: rest => interp_clause cl a && interp rest a

(* To prove correctness of [resolve] in the unsat case we will need to define
what a *valid* assignment is, i.e. one that does not contain both a literal and
its negation. *)
Definition valid_assignment (a: assignment) :=
  forall (l: literal),
    List.In l a ->
    ~ List.In (lit_neg l) a.

Template File

From Coq Require Import List Nat Recdef Lia.
Require Import Defs.
Import ListNotations.

(* 1) Correctness of solutions returned by [resolve]

   A first correctness lemma: assignments produced by [resolve] are correct wrt

(* The core of the proof relies on a similar correctness lemma for [propagate]. *)
Lemma propagate_correct (a: assignment) (l: literal) (c: cnf) :
  interp (propagate l c) a = true ->
  interp c (l :: a) = true.

Lemma resolve_correct (c: cnf) (a: assignment):
  List.In a (resolve c) ->
  interp c a = true.

(* 2) Correctness of [resolve] in the unsat case

   If [resolve] returns no solutions (the empty list), then the input CNF should
   be unsatisfiable.

   To formally state this property, we first need to define what a *valid*
   assignment is, i.e. one that does not contain both a literal and its negation.

Definition valid_assignment (a: assignment) :=
  forall (l: literal),
    List.In l a ->
    ~ List.In (lit_neg l) a.

(* You will need to formulate a lemma for [propagate], in a similar vein as

   However, there's an extra subtlety here. Think: does the following hold
   if (lit_neg) is in a?

     interp (propagate l c) a = false ->
     interp c (l :: a) = false

Lemma resolve_unsat_correct (c: cnf):
  resolve c = [] ->
  forall a, valid_assignment a -> interp c a = false.

(* ==== This part is OPTIONAL and it is NOT graded. === *)
(* ==== We keep this for the sake of completeness of the specification === *)
(* ==== but exclude it from grading to keep the task complexity at bay. === *)

(* 3) Validity of assignments produced by [resolve]

   To complete the proof of the solver, we finally need to prove that it only
   produces valid assignments. Otherwise, a solver could simply return an
   assignment containing every literal and its negation, which would be
   considered as a valid solution according to [interp].

   The key idea is to prove that, for any literal that appears in an assignment
   returned by [resolve c], then either the literal or its negation were present
   in [c].

(* useful helper lemmas *)
Lemma valid_assignment_nil : valid_assignment [].
Proof. intros ? ?. cbn in *. auto. Qed.

Lemma valid_assignment_cons a l:
  valid_assignment a ->
  ~ List.In (lit_neg l) a ->
  valid_assignment (l :: a).
  intros Hv Ha l'. cbn. intros [->|Hl'].
  { intros HH. apply Ha. destruct HH; auto. exfalso.
    destruct l'; cbn in *; congruence. }
  { intros [?|HH].
    { subst l. rewrite lit_neg_idemp in Ha. auto. }
    { eapply (Hv l' Hl'); auto. } }

Lemma resolve_valid (c: cnf) (a: assignment):
  List.In a (resolve c) ->
  valid_assignment a.

Terms and Conditions