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[Proof Ground 2021] Interval Lists


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Definitions File

theory Defs
  imports "HOL-Library.Extended_Nat"

datatype interval = I nat enat ("[_,_')")
type_synonym intervals = "interval list"

fun set_of_i :: "interval \<Rightarrow> nat set" where
"set_of_i [l,\<infinity>) = {l..}" |
"set_of_i [l,h) = {l..<h}"

definition set_of :: "intervals \<Rightarrow> nat set" where
  "set_of ins = fold (\<union>) (map set_of_i ins) {}"

fun inv' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> intervals \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"inv' k [] \<longleftrightarrow> True" |
"inv' k [[l,\<infinity>)] \<longleftrightarrow> k\<le>l" |
"inv' k ([l,r)#ins) \<longleftrightarrow> k\<le>l \<and> l<r \<and> inv' (Suc r) ins" |
"inv' _ _ \<longleftrightarrow> False"

definition inv where "inv = inv' 0"


Template File

theory Submission
  imports Defs

definition compl :: "intervals \<Rightarrow> intervals" where
  "compl x = undefined"

theorem compl_inv:
  assumes "inv ins"
  shows "inv (compl ins)"
    and "set_of (compl ins) = -set_of ins"

theorem compl_set_of:
  assumes "inv ins"
  shows "set_of (compl ins) = -set_of ins"


Check File

theory Check
  imports Submission

theorem compl_inv:
  assumes "inv ins"
  shows "inv (compl ins)"
  using assms by (rule Submission.compl_inv)

theorem compl_set_of:
  assumes "inv ins"
  shows "set_of (compl ins) = -set_of ins"
  using assms by (rule Submission.compl_set_of)

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Definitions File

import data.set.intervals
import tactic

/-! Set operations on interval lists -/
open set

Consider the following definition of interval lists
`interval n m` represents `[n,m)` (`Ico n m`):

def Interval := ℕ × with_top ℕ

def Intervals := list Interval

def set_of_i : Interval → set ℕ
| (l, ⊤) := Ici l
| (l, some r) := Ico l r

def set_of_is (is : Intervals) : set ℕ :=
is.foldr (λ i s, set_of_i i ∪ s) ∅

As an invariant, every interval should be non-empty, and the list of intervals should be
ordered and of minimal length.
def invariant' : ℕ → Intervals → Prop
| k []                := true
| k [(l, ⊤)]          := k ≤ l
| k ((l, some r)::is) := k ≤ l ∧ l < r ∧ invariant' (r + 1) is
| k ((l, ⊤)::_::_)    := false

def invariant : Intervals → Prop := invariant' 0

Template File

import .defs

Define complement and intersection operations for interval lists, and prove them correct!
def complement : Intervals → Intervals :=

theorem invariant_complement {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is) :
  invariant (complement is) :=

theorem set_of_is_complement {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is) :
  set_of_is (complement is) = (set_of_is is)ᶜ :=

Check File

import .submission

theorem compl_test:
  complement [(3, some 6), (9, ⊤)] = [(0, some 3), (6, some 9)] ∧
  complement [(0, some 1), (4, some 8)] = [(1, some 4), (8, ⊤)] ∧
  complement [(0, ⊤)] = [] ∧
  complement [] = [(0, ⊤)] ∧
  complement [(0, some 1), (4, some 8), (10, some 11), (12, ⊤)] =
    [(1, some 4), (8, some 10), (11, some 12)] :=
⟨rfl, rfl, rfl, rfl, rfl⟩

theorem invariant_complement_check1: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  invariant (complement is) :=

theorem invariant_complement_check2: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  invariant (complement is) :=

theorem invariant_complement_check3: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  invariant (complement is) :=

theorem set_of_is_complement_check1: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  set_of_is (complement is) = (set_of_is is)ᶜ :=

theorem set_of_is_complement_check2: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  set_of_is (complement is) = (set_of_is is)ᶜ :=

theorem set_of_is_complement_check3: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  set_of_is (complement is) = (set_of_is is)ᶜ :=

theorem set_of_is_complement_check4: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  set_of_is (complement is) = (set_of_is is)ᶜ :=

theorem set_of_is_complement_check5: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  set_of_is (complement is) = (set_of_is is)ᶜ :=

theorem set_of_is_complement_check6: ∀ {is : Intervals} (h : invariant is),
  set_of_is (complement is) = (set_of_is is)ᶜ :=
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Definitions File

From Coq Require Export List Bool.
Export ListNotations.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Structure interval := I {imin : nat; imax : option nat}.

Notation "[ l , r )" := (I l (Some r)) (at level 0).
Notation "[ l , '+oo' )" := (I l None) (at level 0).

Definition intervals := list interval.

(* The standard library does not do a very good job here, e.g. using
   Ensembles is not automation friendly.
   So, here is a very small set library.
   A set is represented as a predicate `A -> Prop` over a type A. *)
Section Sets.
Variable A : Type.

Definition set := A -> Prop.

Implicit Types S T : set.

Definition in_set x S : Prop := (S x).
Definition empty_set : set := fun _ : A => False.
Definition set_union S T : set := fun x => S x \/ T x.
Definition set_inter S T : set := fun x => S x /\ T x.
Definition set_diff S T : set := fun x => S x /\ ~ T x.
Definition set_compl S : set := fun x => ~ S x.
Definition subset_eq S T : Prop := forall x, in_set x S -> in_set x T.
End Sets.

Notation "x ∈ S" := (in_set x S) (at level 60, no associativity).
Notation "∅" := (@empty_set _) (at level 0, no associativity).
Notation "S ⊆ T" := (subset_eq S T) (at level 55, left associativity).
Notation "S ≡ T" := (forall x, in_set x S <-> in_set x T) (at level 58, no associativity).
Notation "S ∪ T" := (set_union S T) (at level 55, left associativity).
Notation "S ∩ T" := (set_inter S T) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation "S \ T" := (set_diff S T) (at level 55, left associativity).
Notation "∁ S" := (set_compl S) (at level 0, no associativity).
#[export] Hint Unfold in_set empty_set set_union set_inter set_compl set_diff : core.

Notation " '{' l '..}' " := (fun n => l <= n) (at level 0, no associativity).
(* sets *)

(* This is how we map an interval to a set of natural numbers *)
Definition set_of_i (i : interval) : set nat :=
  match i with
  | [l, r) => fun n => l <= n /\ n < r
  | [l, +oo) => {l ..}

Definition set_of (is1 : intervals) : set nat :=
  fold_right (fun i acc => (set_of_i i) ∪ acc) ∅ is1.

As an invariant, every interval should be non-empty, and the list of
intervals should be ordered and of minimal length.

Fixpoint inv' (k: nat) (is1 : intervals) : Prop :=
  match is1 with
  | [] => True
  | [ [l, +oo) ] => k <= l
  | [l, r) :: is1 =>
       (k <= l) /\ (l < r) /\ inv' (r + 1) is1
  | _ => False

Definition inv : intervals -> Prop := inv' 0.

Template File

Require Import Defs.

Define complement and intersection operations for interval lists, and prove them correct!

(* complement *)
Definition compl (ins : intervals) : intervals.

Theorem invariant_complement ins :
  inv ins ->
  inv (compl ins).

Theorem set_of_is_complement ins :
  inv ins ->
  set_of (compl ins) ≡ ∁ (set_of ins).

Terms and Conditions